Consultation/45 Minute Colonic Session
For all customers who are new to Nola Colonics
Service Description
Colonic Irrigation is a more complete form of an enema. It is the act of flushing out the large intestine with water to remove waste. This service can benefit those with digestive issues such as constipation, irregular bowel movements, bloating, and indigestion. Each consultation session is a total of one hour. The first 15-minutes consists of a new customer consultation and the last 45 minutes consists of machine time. During the session each client is guided through the process of the treatment. After insertion of a disposable nozzle, a gentle, steady flow of water is processed on the Angel of Water colonic system. Each client is monitored (privately) to ensure optimum comfort is reached. (IF YOU HAVE ANY OF THE FOLLOWING CONTRAINDICATIONS PLEASE CALL US BEFORE BOOKING AND CONSULT WITH YOUR PHYSICIAN: ABDOMINAL HERNIA, ABDOMINAL SURGERY, ABDOMINAL DISTENTION, ACUTE LIVER FAILURE, ANEMIA, ANEURYSM, CANCER, CARDIAC CONDITION, CROHN'S DISEASE, COLITIS, DIALYSIS PATIENT, DIVERTICULOSIS, DIVERTICULITIS, FISSURES & FISTULAS, HEMORRHAGING, HEMORRHOIDECTOMY, INTESTINAL PERFORATIONS, LUPUS, PREGNANT, RECTAL/COLON SURGERY OR RENAL INSUFFICIENCIES). All clients requiring additional services due to severe constipation or impacted bowels will incur additional charges. **All services require a deposit** Deposits can be paid when booking online or by speaking with a Consultant (504) 881-8010). Appointments are available daily 8 am – 5pm. Deposits are non-refundable or transferable. Appointments that are late 15 minutes or more will need to rescheduled and subject to a $15 rescheduling fee. All no calls or no show forfeit deposits.
Cancellation Policy
We ask that you please cancel or reschedule no later than 24 hours before the start of your appointment. NO SHOWS are an automatic forfeiture of deposits. THERE ARE NO EXCEPTIONS TO THIS POLICY Late arrivals may result in a shortened session depending on the schedule. If time does not permit for you to receive the full session because it interferes with someone else’s session, your time will be shortened. You will be charged for the full session. All deposits are non-refundable. If an appointment is re-scheduled we will apply any paid deposits to the rescheduled appointment. Nola Colonics reserves the right to refuse appointment requests for individuals who are repeat NO SHOWS (3 or more). All paid deposits are non-refundable.
Contact Details
2426 Louisiana Avenue, New Orleans, LA, USA